Virtuous cycle的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列免費下載的地點或者是各式教學

Virtuous cycle的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Colbert, Kate寫的 Think Like a Marketer: How a Shift in Mindset Can Change Everything for Your Business 和Dempsey, Christina的 The Antidote to Suffering: How Compassionate Connected Care Can Improve Safety, Quality, and Experience都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Fueling a Virtuous Cycle of Innovation - Politico也說明:Fueling a Virtuous Cycle of Innovation. How a strong patent system is enabling the digital revolution. Sponsored by. Ericsson.

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立臺灣科技大學 管理研究所 曾盛恕所指導 王瑞鴻的 輔助科技對高爾夫球練習場經營的趨勢分析 (2021),提出Virtuous cycle關鍵因素是什麼,來自於輔助科技、高爾夫球、高爾夫球練習場、經營、趨勢分析、量化研究。

而第二篇論文逢甲大學 經營管理碩士在職學位學程 何晉瑋所指導 林松源的 鋼珠產業發展之研究-以S公司為例 (2021),提出因為有 鋼珠的重點而找出了 Virtuous cycle的解答。

最後網站Enabling the virtuous cycle: identifying and removing barriers ...則補充:Enabling the virtuous cycle: identifying and removing barriers to entrepreneurial activity by health and medical researchers in the higher education sector.


除了Virtuous cycle,大家也想知道這些:

Think Like a Marketer: How a Shift in Mindset Can Change Everything for Your Business

為了解決Virtuous cycle的問題,作者Colbert, Kate 這樣論述:

The Secret to Taking Your Business from Mediocre to Meaningfully Different?Thinking like a marketer. It's also the secret to moving your organization from status quo to success story, and from busy to profitable. In an easy-to-read, practical new guidebook, acclaimed marketing expert Kate Colbert of

fers fresh insights into the actions and attitudes that can accelerate your business success, sharpen your daily work, and balance your efforts to create value for customers while capturing value for the bottom line. For non-marketers and marketers alike, truly thinking like a marketer requires the

right framework, and this book is everything you need to make the mindset shift that can change everything for your business. "An MBA in a book? That's exactly what I consider this to be ... Trust me -- this book can help you to grow your business "-- Lois Creamer, Author of Book More Business: Mak

e Money SpeakingIt doesn't matter whether you're a management consultant or the owner of a diner that serves the best biscuits and gravy in town, the ability to think like a marketer will give you a competitive edge. Business owners and leaders are invariably stuck in the frenzied current moment --

chasing the next piece of revenue, getting through the next project, putting out the next proverbial fire, or surviving the next people-problem that's bound to come up. Think Like a Marketer offers a fresh new approach to a more powerful and lasting way to do business that involves a sometimes-subtl

e but always-impactful shift in mindset. It's time to think like a marketer. Thinking like a marketer requires that you: 1.Communicate for connection and meaning, not just to transact sales2.Live and die by your customer insights3.Market in a way that's strategy-religious and tactic-agnostic4.Create

cultures and processes that align with your brand5.Do everything in service of maintaining a virtuous cycle of creating value for the customer while capturing value for you. The 5 Think Like a Marketer Principles are the framework for Colbert's valuable insights and practical tips about: -Brand sto

rytelling-Sampling strategies-Smart monetization-Testing new marketing tactics-Conducting critical market research-The perils of do-it-yourself marketing-Building and maintaining lists and pipelines-Innovating product and service deliverables-Being known, being seen and networking in new ways-Delive

ring customer service, even when the going gets tough-Innovations in distribution and packaging-Creating meaningful connections with your customers Read this book if you are a: -Business owner without a background in marketing-Business professional in a small- to mid-sized company or a Fortune 1000

company-Professional speaker, blogger or thought leader-Non-profit professional-Marketer Thinking like a marketer allows decision-makers -- at every level, in any kind of organization and with backgrounds in any area of functional expertise -- to accomplish more while spending less time and money. A

marketing mindset can be the key to sustained profitable growth and meaningful connections with loyal customers. Far from a simple "Marketing 101" for non-marketers, this book is a topical smorgasbord designed to feed the curiosities and satisfy the business needs that all business professionals (i

ncluding marketers) ultimately crave. Kate Colbert is an accomplished marketer, speaker and communications consultant who has led marketing initiatives for brands big and small, global and domestic. She is regarded as an eminent strategic storyteller with the ability to connect business and academ

ic brands with enthusiastic and loyal customers to generate sustained, profitable growth. Kate founded Silver Tree Communications, a full-service brand marketing consultancy, in 2002, and its sister company, Silver Tree Publishing, in 2015. She has expertise in leading the marketing efforts of bran

ds in higher education, healthcare, professional services, consumer retail, and other industries. She is best known for her groundbreaking work in market research and brand story development, her award-winning work in turning corporate data into actionable reports for high-stakes industries, her col

laborative spirit in publishing impactful and inspiring books for new and established authors, and her leadership in working with employee groups (from scientists to technologists, C-suite executives to sales professionals) who seek to be more effective communicators. Kate is also a sought-after med

ia spokesperson and crisis communications consultant, and a dynamic speaker who delivers presentations on communications and marketing topics. Kate lives in Kenosha, WI, with her husband Robert and a pack of dogs she absolutely adores. When she’s not working, she loves to travel, to volunteer for l

ocal charities and to read. Think Like a Marketer is her first non-fiction business book.

Virtuous cycle進入發燒排行的影片

第80創業知識 -《哈佛分享:兩大生意模式及何謂 Network Effect?  》

做生意有兩種,一種係叫做Pipeline Business ,另一種係叫做Platform Business。 Pipeline意思即係先要入貨,加工,再出貨。 好似的二手車行咁, 先要入一批二手車, 維修整理下兼宣傳推廣下, 再搵客賣出啲車。 茶餐廳就先要入貨, 加工, 再俾人客坐低食。 地產發展商都要先買地,起樓,先至有樓賣 。係一條 pipeline 管道嚟嘅。

Pipeline business 好嘅就係比較容易賺錢, 傳統上好多生意都係咁, 唔好嘅就比較難有爆炸性咁做得大。

Platform business 平台嘅生意就唔同啦, 係大家一齊放嘢上去。佢哋可能係供應商、可能係用家、 可能係個平台本身嘅管理者, 例如Uber ,就係個司機同乘客,Amazon/Alibaba 就係供應商同埋買家, Airbnb 就係房東同埋旅客,Youtube/Facebook就係你同我。 放嘢上去唔單只係批貨,而係包括個人嘅經歷感受及評語 feedback! 所以如果冇咗個 feedback loop, 純粹做地產代理唔係一個平台。 記住, 叫得自己做platform, 大部分的嘅價值應該係用家社群(community of users) 佢哋自己產生。有平,佢哋自己會搵食㗎啦!

Platform (平台)最唔好嘅就係往往蝕好多錢,蝕好耐,先至能夠達至critical mass 群聚效應 .  但如果做得好嘅話,爆炸成性就非常非常非常之大, 近幾年爆升上嚟嘅公司全部都係 platform business (平台生意), 因為有network effect 網絡效應。

咁何謂network effect? 呢個係Uber 早期投資者 David Sacks's 於2014年係一張餐巾上面畫嘅 virtuous cycle 良性循環圖。多啲需求,就多啲司機。多啲司機,就多啲車位於唔同位置。多啲車位於唔同位置,就接客快啲。接客快啲,平啲價錢,司機走多兩轉 ,就多啲需求。 多啲需求,就多啲司機, 循環再循環 。

呢個亦都係典型嘅Network Effect 。哈佛Digital Strategy Professor Sunil Gupta 話做生意要做得大,I mean 好大好大,一定要有network effect。Network Effect 意思就係話平台上越多用家,就會對另一位嘅用家增加價值, 即使公司係冇做過任何嘢去增值。

試想想一間藥房,如果好多人去買同一隻奶粉,只會令到市場更加容易斷貨,價格提升。因此對用家嚟講,多啲人去爭奶粉,對大家都無乜着數。 所以一般嘅藥房係冇network effect 嘅。

反而你諗下,如果全世界得你一個人有fax機, 個fax機對你嘅價值就好低, 因為唔會有人收到你嘅fax. 但如果多幾個人用, 多幾十萬人用, 多幾千萬人呢,部fax機對你價值亦相對提升啦。 電話係咁,WhatsApp ,wechat , Facebook 都係咁, 越多人用同一樣嘢, 嗰樣嘢對你嘅價值就越大啦。 呢啲叫做Same-Side Network Effect, 大家都係企埋同一邊嘅。

另一種叫做Cross-Side Network Effect,例如 Uber 多啲司機sign up,就另一邊就多啲乘客叫車。係 iphone Apps Store 多啲apps,就吸引多啲消費者去買iphone。 多啲人買iphone, 又吸引多啲公司去開發勁嘅 apps. Airbnb 多啲房, 就吸引多啲旅客。多啲旅客又吸引多啲房。 呢啲全部都係cross sided 嘅 effect, 雖然唔係企埋同一邊,但大家都互相正面影響。

聽落好似唔關你事, 因為嗰啲公司都似好大咁。 但其實即使你做一間普通茶餐廳都可以部分做到。 茶餐廳係一盤Pipeline business, 因為係入貨、加工、出貨。無Network Effect 因為你啲客人係 consume (消耗)緊你嘅資源同value, 唔係add (增加) 緊去其他人道。 

但加啲創意,你都可以加入一啲 Platform 及 Network Effect 元素。Just some crazy ideas, 由淺入深,例如:

(1) 最簡單嘅,人客入嚟時,可唔可以畀粒星星佢,走嘅時候就可以貼喺門口佢最愛嘅餐種上面。俾其他路過嘅人親身睇到,咁入來食嘢信心會唔會更大?

(2) 可唔可以間中搞下個 ladies night,女士食飯飲嘢就半價,男士就原價, 但係大家坐位就mix埋, 咁樣嘅話多啲女士來,就會吸引多啲男士來間餐廳。 咁其實好多酒吧已經做緊。 

(3) 即是唔係ladies night, 可唔可以搞個業主night, 吸引多啲地產agent, 想退休人士 night, 吸引多啲理財顧問呢? 

(4) 可唔可以比啲供應商係間餐廳嘅網站或者apps 入面,前幾日就可以講定未來幾日有啲乜嘢肉或者菜靚, 畀啲食客預定佢哋想食啲乜? 

(5) 或者畀個客講定佢哋最想食啲咩嘢,咁供應商一睇到,如果搵到貨、Group-buy 大批訂有discount嘅話,餐廳就馬上通知個班客嚟食呢? 

(6) 橫掂都已經有個kitchen, 可唔可以係down time 嘅時候分租個kitchen 俾其他創業者整嘢食, 變成個 shared kitchen 呢? 段月收費,大家可以交流烹飪心得,搞埋活動 cross over,吸引多啲外來新顧客試飲試食呢?

 (7) 再花成本啲,橫掂自己外賣都要養著一隊人, 不如幫埋側邊啲餐廳送外賣, 收佢哋單價嘅三成,開發埋個apps 俾人客落單,每次收廿蚊,專注同區生意,搞多啲聯合試食會, 專注同區送餐快靚正, 分分鐘可以打低埋Deliveroo 或者 Food Panda 呢啲對手. 

Whatever it is.... 可能個idea 好低能, 但以上都係希望令到你間餐廳有更多使用者時,會增加另外啲使用者嘅價值, 彼此互動,咁佢哋自然對你依賴性會增大, 行得啱,分分鐘爆炸力都可以好大。

我做商舖基金, 都係希望由傳統嘅 pipeline business 一步步走向 platform (平台)方向發展, you will see.... Pipeline 定 Platform, 無話邊個一定好啲, 至於你想點行, 無人清楚得過你自己了。

#商舖 #李根興 #創業 #edwinlee #盛滙 #bridgeway #舖 #商機 #舖 #創業知識 #創業理論 #pipeline #platform #哈佛知識 #哈佛 #networkeffect


為了解決Virtuous cycle的問題,作者王瑞鴻 這樣論述:




The Antidote to Suffering: How Compassionate Connected Care Can Improve Safety, Quality, and Experience

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為了解決Virtuous cycle的問題,作者Dempsey, Christina 這樣論述:

An indispensable guide to reducing the suffering―of patients and caregivers alike―and to improving healthcare delivery for allIn our efforts to treat patients, cure illness, and manage institutions, healthcare professionals too often overlook the fundamental purpose everyone in the industry shares:

to alleviate suffering.Press Ganey's Chief Nursing Officer, Christina Dempsey, has worked everywhere in healthcare, from the ward floor to the hospital boardroom. She has also experienced the system as a patient and as a family member of a critically ill patient. In The Antidote to Suffering, this 3

0-year healthcare veteran and patient-experience thought leader argues that the key to improving healthcare is to reduce the suffering--physical, psychological, and emotional--of patients and caregivers alike through Compassionate Connected CareTM. Drawing on her 360-degree perspective, Dempsey offe

rs a comprehensive, detailed, evidence-based plan that addresses the clinical, operational, cultural, and behavioral dimensions of care that every patient and caregiver experiences, in every setting. When suffering decreases, Dempsey argues, outcomes improve for patients and those who care for them.

A virtuous cycle takes hold, leading to increases in morale, loyalty, and productivity and results in a culture that drives quality, safety, and value. It paves the path for creating a new national healthcare culture--one that values compassion, fosters efficiency, and drives innovationThe Antidote

to Suffering is the first book to explore the pervasiveness of suffering in our healthcare system, and to provide the strategies and tools to: * Identify and measure suffering throughout your organization* Create a system in which every clinical response is informed by compassion* Operationalize st

aff behavior to promote meaning and purpose * Increase productivity by building a culture of collaborationReducing human suffering isn't just a moral imperative for healthcare providers. It's a practical way to improve organizations and fix our broken system--without sacrificing the respect, dignity

, and compassion we all deserve.


為了解決Virtuous cycle的問題,作者林松源 這樣論述:

摘 要在短短的時間內,工業 4.0 從概念到實踐,進步神速,所有的商業思惟和商業模式都在改變,使技術和製造不再是重點,產品只不過是產品,重點應放在隨產品而帶來的服務。經濟部統計處公布 2019 年金屬製品業營運的狀況,台灣製造業工廠家數最多的是「金屬製品業」,所以本研究目的旨在探討台灣鋼珠產業所面臨的困境,以 S 公司為研究案例探討其發展歷程,且藉由 SWOT 分析與五力分析提出 S 公司未來經營策略。從五力分析和 SWOT 分析發現 S 公司是以成本領導策略為主,但在維持成本領導策略時,也需再拓展其他通路並非守舊,像是透過跨境電商走向國際化,畢竟現在是工業 4.0 時代,善用數位工具,才能

與時俱進,也建議人才培育從 CSR 著手,因為 CSR 不只是注重在人才管理「吸才、留才、引財」,而是提升企業價值從三方,「企業、社會、客戶」的不同角度去創造。若 S 公司最後能以塑造產地形象和製造業品牌化著手並從自身的兩大優勢-品質穩定和產品線廣做結合,更藉此衍伸為「在多元化的產品下品質也讓客人買得安心」,針對多元且安心做為品牌核心價值。從善用數位工具來將廠房老舊的設備作數位化更新,再從CSR 的理念提升尋求人才品質和容易度,最後以重新定位企業,製造業品牌化的方式以「安心,多元化」的品牌核心價值。相信透過這三點環環相扣和相輔相成,必定能讓 S 公司更上一層樓!關鍵詞:鋼珠產業、五力分析、SW

OT 分析